3RD RITUAL | acupressure polygon

Regular price $16.00
Sale price $16.00 Regular price
A tool for releasing tension and promoting relaxation, the polygon helps access trigger points and increase circulation. You can use the polygon to gently massage your jaw, neck, and forearms, lie on it to target those hard-to-reach knots, or place it beneath the palms of your hands or the soles of your feet to improve mobility and boost immunity.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, meridians are pathways through which Qi (vital energy) flows and they can become blocked or imbalanced, causing discomfort. Applying pressure to the points along our meridians (a technique also known as acupressure) is one of the most effective ways to restore balance in the body.
100% Sandalwood
Made in Guangzhou, China
3″ Diameter

Pairs well with

BEHRHAUS | magnesium oil

Regular price $36.00
Sale price $36.00 Regular price
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About the Brand


3rd Ritual is committed to remaining connected to life by creating meaningful objects and botanical blends. The brand encourages consumers to use their products to slow down in their daily rountines, helping those who are seeking meaning in the otherwise mundane.