WILDE HOUSE PAPER | night routine: the journal
A 66 day journal to create a night routine that becomes a daily habit.
What's Inside? – Night Routine Worksheet: Outline your ideal routine and commit to three rituals that you want to turn into habits over the next 66 days. –
Routine Habit Tracker: It takes 66 days to turn a ritual into a habit, making this journal an accountability tool to create habits that you'll actually stick to. –
Daily Entry Page: Perform your three rituals and put pen to paper each night to reduce anxiety and reflect on your day.
High quality printing on recycled paper • Perfect bound
About the Brand
Wilde House Paper
Wilde House Paper began as an intention – to use design as a medium to connect with ourselves, others & the Earth.
Paper is a medium that at times is an afterthought, but when you take a step back, paper is a vehicle of everyday interactions and meaningful moments.
Founder & Creative Director Megan Heddinger hope is that Wilde House becomes a space that you come to spark inspiration, cultivate intimate conversations, and carve out a space for genuine connection. Welcome Home.