richelle is a newly licensed esthetician, specializing in acne coming to us directly from sacramento, ca. she decided to pursue her passion for skincare at the height of the pandemic, attending paul mitchell the school in sacramento. her goal is to empower clients with the information and education they need to support their skin goals and introduce those just starting out on their journeys to simple rituals and effective products.
after spending some time with our master esthetician, allyson, in the treatment room- richelle is most excited about supporting her clients using lymphatic massage.
read on to learn a little bit more about what lights richelle up.
freedom is knowledge.
self care means…reparenting myself, being the person my younger self needed and prioritizing my own happiness.
my self-care ritual is…cooking dinner to my favorite playlist, eating in silence then taking a long, relaxing shower.
my current favorite product is…the botnia replenishing oil. it’s been saving my skin this winter!
if i had one superpower it would be…shapeshifting.
the theme song to my life is…rose in the dark- cleo sol.
i feel most me in…oversized t-shirts & sneakers.
i’m currently reading…‘the body keeps the score.’
i return to myself by…finding a beach and digging my toes into the sand.
i’d tell my 18-year-old self that…discomfort and growing pains are part of the
in this moment, freedom feels like…having the ability to always start over.
right now I’m learning to…allow myself some grace. i don’t have to have it all together at once.
i wish women knew that…we are magical beings and our worth is not defined by the roles society places on us.
on sundays I can be found… doing laundry and dancing around my apartment to D’Angelo.